How to Get Clear Skin in 1 Week

  1. Run a wash cloth under hot water and immediately press it onto your face. The water and steam will really help clean out the dirt from your pores. Be careful that the water is not too hot when doing this.

  2. 2
    Wash your hands well with an antibacterial soap. You can't wash your face effectively with dirty hands. You're merely putting all the germs on your hands onto your face, which sadly, won't get you anywhere. If you have a cleanser (or just some good antibacterial soap), wash your face after you remove the cloth. This time, apply the cleanser without wetting your face first. Make a tiny "puddle" in your hands, squirt the cleanser in the puddle, put your hands together and wash your face. Don't rinse your face in cold water afterwards, just rinse in warm water and pat dry, but not completely dry. This is obviously your cleansing part. If you don't have cleanser, then just use plain water.

  3. 3
    Get 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water. Stir so its like a thin paste, and add one more tablespoon of sugar. Stir again and drain out some of the water. Then get your hands wet and then rub them on your face so you have a little bit of water on your face. Then scoop up the sugar and water and put it on one of your cheeks. Scoop again and put it on the same cheek. Then rub the sugar in circular motions on your cheek for 60 seconds. Then rinse off and repeat for the other cheek and forehead. This is your exfoliator.

  4. 4
    After you wash your face, get about 10 drops of lemon juice on your hands. Smear on your face for 10 seconds, but be careful, lemon juice is strong and if it burns only keep it on for 3 seconds. It breaks down the dirt in your pores that the cleanser missed. This is your "toner".

  5. 5
    Last but not least, splash cold water on your face. The reason this is last is because if you weren't following the directions earlier and splashed cold water on your face, your pores will have closed. The water is like a key to your pores; hot water unlocks, cold water locks. Doing all of these steps with open pores will get almost all of the dirt and bacteria out, thus keeping your skin clear. Doing this everyday for a week will bring you happy, healthy, pretty skin!

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